Saturday, 7 April 2012


I am about to sound like the biggest buzz-kill in the world, but I don't like Easter. When I was a child Easter meant going away on holiday in the caravan to some seaside or country destination. It also meant spending longer with my Dad. All good things when I was child. When I was working Easter meant a long weekend and two short weeks which was also good (although working in the Museum industry I was lucky if I didn't have to work when it was a Bank Holiday!). However now I am unemployed Easter is just boring.

The Easter Bank Holidays are meaningless when you do not work. They are boring when you don't have any money to go and do anything - although that would require finding something interesting to do that isn't hunting for Easter Eggs or something to do with gardening or DIY. The weather is hit and miss - sometimes sunny and warm, and sometimes cold and overcast or worse....raining! I am not a lover of Easter Eggs, even as a child I would rather have a bar of Dairy Milk or a packet of Malteasers than a Chocolate Egg. I don't mind Hot Cross Buns but they are not must have food. As for the Easter roast, I do not like Lamb, and Turkey is very much a Christmas food in our household. We might have roast chicken or beef but generally we prefer to eat a roast during the week. Also although I would consider myself a spiritual person, I am not a religious person so Easter doesn't hold any special significance for me because of religious reasons.

Living by the sea is also bad at Easter as it is just packed with tourists and the roads packed with cars which makes going anywhere take three times as long. Don't get me wrong, I think its great for the town to be busy and take money, but as a local its not the best time to enjoy leaving by the sea! The TV at Easter is also rubbish. Films that were on during the last three Bank Holidays are repeated yet again, and the only specials are re-tellings of the Easter story.

I sound like a real misery, but I assure you I am not. I love other holidays. I love Christmas: the decorations, buying presents and wrapping them up, sending cards, Christmas Lights, seeing certain family members and generally the spirit and atmosphere. I love both the May Bank Holidays and the Summer Bank Holiday in August. In fact I like all the others except for Easter! I don't know why, but I just find it disappointing.

This year I am using the long weekend at Easter to try to catch up on my dissertation work as I have my first chapter draft due in at the end of April and a huge pile of books to read! Today my Dad has some friends visiting and tomorrow he will be off out. I will remain at home, alone, doing uni work. Wow! What an amazing Easter for me! Maybe next year I will have something more exciting to do at Easter or I may even be working so I can enjoy the thrill of a long weekend and two short weeks! But for now its back to the books......!

If you like Easter, I would like to wish you a very Happy Easter! For those of you that don't, keep smiling it will be over soon!

1 comment:

  1. I shall be spending Easter feeling sorry formyself and coughing lol. Wish i was well enough to come and see you- nothing beats a girlie chat and a film, while sewing.
