To continue this on as required here are 7 facts about me that I haven't already covered in my previous blogs:
1. I find it difficult, sometimes even impossible to accept a compliment. I have a low opinion of myself and can't understand or see what other people see in me. This can be from friends, work colleagues and guys. I can even find myself questioning why they are saying it or what is the reason behind it, what are they up too? I know that some of my friends find this very irritating! Sorry!
2. I love Doctor Who (since it returned with the Ninth Doctor). I also love Supernatural, Bones, Torchwood, Alcatraz and Being Human. Basically if it is high concept and is either a bit sci-fi or supernatural I will watch it and love it!
3. I hate dusting. I find hoovering quite therapeutic, but I HATE dusting. It is so boring and sets off my allergies. I also find it doesn't last very long after you have done it anyway!
4. I would love to do a PhD after I have completed my Masters if I could find the funding and felt clever enough to actually do it!
5. I am allergic to tomatoes and cucumbers. Even the smell of a cucumber being cut up makes me what to be sick, while a single drop of tomato juice can set of my allergies.
6. I was once offered a job at the British Museum, but I turned it down because it was too far to travel every day and most of my pay would be spent on paying for travel. Some days I kick myself for doing that!
7. I passed my driving test three years ago last Saturday! I love driving and I love my little Peugeot 206 or Milo as he is also known!
Wow! That was amazingly difficult to do! Trying to think of what facts to write was soooo hard!
Okay, now my 7 nominations for this award:
1. This is my fabulous friend who nominated me, and has already been a winner of this Award. However I want to nominate her as she truly is a beautiful person, with a beautiful soul. Life throws a lot at her, but she always finds the strength to get through it and always has time for other people. She is quite simply my best friend.
2. This is my friend's Mum and also my surrogate Mummy! LOL! She is a great friend and very supportive. Something I am not very use to! Thank you Mummy Mo!
3. This is another good friend and the coolest 18 year old I know! Her writing is superb and always interesting. She is off to Uni in September so I won't get to see her as often, but I hope she will find time to stay in touch!
4. This is a friend of a relatives blog. I have never met them but their blog is fascinating as she showcases some of the more weird and wonderful and often kitsch items of social history.
5. This is the official blog of Dr. Lucy Worsley who you may know from programmes such as "If Walls Could Talk" and "Harlots, Housewives and Heroines". She is a great historian and has had an amazing Museum career. She is currently the Chief Curator of the Historic Royal Palaces. She is a real inspiration to me and I am a huge fan of her work!
6. This is the blog for Brighton Toy and Model Museum. I know its not technically a person, but this was where I had my first paid Museum job and my first Curator post so its a very special place for me. I was only 23 and they believed in me. Its fab to see all what they are up to now in their blog.
7. Okay so this is a bit of an own goal, but Crafty Claires blog is also very special to me and hopefully over the next few months will be updated more regularly and also announce the launch of the new Crafty Claires The Craft Guides website!
Thank you hun, very touched by your thoughts of me xxx